Athletes Getting DumberAthletes getting Dumber seems to be the way things are going in sports.  It could be all of society is getting dumber but lately there are a few athletes that are leading the way. Or maybe they are paving the way.  All I know is that there are a few that are saying some really dumb things.  Of course the fans are not too far behind them.

There are some studies going around that claim that over all the human race is getting weaker and dumber as time goes by.  They claim that this is caused by the continual degradation of DNA in the human body.   Basically they are claiming that devolution in happening as well as evolution.  In the context of their study they are saying that the devolution is winning.  Yes I know the study is flawed and the reasoning makes no sense.   Clearly as a race humans are getting stronger.  We can see it especially in athletic events.  Over all the athlete of today is miles ahead of the athletes that came before them.  Saying that.  For the purposes of this article the study fits.  So we are going to roll with it.

Through out time there has been many athletes that have said some really stupid things.  There has also been some that have said some smart things.  Again in the context of our story.  The smart things don’t help here either so we are going to focus on the dumb things.  Dumb things do abound every where in society. Dumb things with athletes are always going to happen.  The question it what dumb things can you give a pass on and what dumb things are really truly just dumb.

The idea for this article all came about when Kyrie Irving went on a POD cast and said that he thought that the Earth was flat.  This from a somewhat educated athlete.  Even though he only stayed in College for one year.  It was at Duke.  A pretty well respected academic institution.  They say that you can’t just be talented to get in.  You also have to qualify academically.  While I am sure that even if they will not admit it.  The requirements for a top level athlete is different than the requirements for someone who is really there to get an academic education.   You have to believe that the people going to school there at least have a basic education on how things work.  As far as physics and a basic understanding of gravity and such.

Gravity is actually pretty important when it comes to basketball.  Geometry and Physics and Calculus are actually pretty essential to the game.  You may not have to fully understand them.  Your brain how ever is constantly figuring the trajectory the ball has to take.  This is what allows you to dribble, pass and shoot the ball.  With out your brain being able to calculate those things you would not be able to play the game.  While I would not expect these players to be albe to sit down and put the calculation down on paper.  I would expect them to have a basic understanding of what they are and how they work.

The question then that I want to ask Kyrie is “how do do you get that flat ball to go through the hoop?”  The answer of course is that you don’t.  I guess you could if it was a frisbee.  I guess maybe he is right.  LOL  no he is not.

The other big  confusing statement from a basketball player was by Stephen Curry.  When he claimed that the US never landed on the Moon.  It was in a POD cast with other NBA players called Winging It.  The other players actually agreed with Curry that we did not in fact go to the moon.

I find it very strange how things that we know for sure are difficult for people to accept.  Like the Earth is Round and that we went to the Moon and can prove that we went to the Moon.  The thing that I find interesting about the people that think the Earth is  flat.  Why if all the other objects in the Universe are round would the Earth be flat?   I could probably look up the explantation that flat Earthers have for this but really it would not make sense anyway and would probably bring up more questions that it would answer.

We know for a fact that we went to the Moon because there would have to be so many people involved to fake it that there is no way that they could all keep the secret.   That does not take into account that we brought back rocks from the Moon and put devices on the Moon that are still able to be accessed to this day.

I am not sure if these athletes really believe this stuff or if they are bored, make too much money and are looking to see what kind of rise they can get out of people.  They do seem pretty sure of themselves that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong.