It seems more and more often we hear about people who get played to play a game whining about how that wasn’t fair or this just shouldn’t be done. I am referring of course to “running up” of the score. This is done by teams who have started fast in a game and simply don’t let of off the gas. I say good for them why should they if you don’t like it then stop them, play better or get better talent, it is as simple as that. I feel that sportsmanship has no real place in a game where people are paid to win and it is as simple as that . All this BS about he didn’t shake his hand or he didn’t stay to congratulate the winners why should he or her. They don’t need to be congratulated by the losers and it should be the losers right to get off of the field as soon as possible. All this that is bad sportsmanship stuff needs to end. People need to realize this is every bit a business as it is a game.