NHL Mayhem!

With all the uproar over ‘bounties’ in the NFL, we have a easily documented incident of a deliberate attempt by Weber of the Nashville Predators to put RW Zetterberg out of the play-offs permanently. There is no argument that Weber should have been...

Why are we letting ESPN control College Sports?

It should be fairly obvious that ESPN is totally controlling the set-up of the NCAA Athlettic conferences by now! And not in the interest of College Athletics, which if we let them continue this wonderful athletic pursuit will be forever gone as we have known it. ABC...

Get on the Ball Big 10!

With all the changing conference nonsense that is going on it’s pretty hard to sort out what really serves college sports the best. (refer to previous posts!)   However, since it is not going away and the really desireable schools are somewhat limited it would...

Has Michael Vick become a Crybaby?

The answer is yes! Whenever a NFL Player tries to play the”poor me” card, they always lose. This is something I never expected from MV! We had been led to believe in his pristine athleticism. We had already been fed the “poor me” stuff from the...

Here We Go Again!

We are barely into the 2011 College season and already we are hearing the sad pathetic cries from the talking heads on ESPN who would totally destroy the college game. In their view the poor college atheles are owed some monetary remuneration! Nothing could be further...

BiglakeSports coming back

It has been a while since any of the authors on Biglake have done anything. There have been a lot of changes going on. We are ready to get back to posting and making observations. If any one is interested in being one od the writers go to the contact page and send me...